I am just past my first trimester and the baby is due December 27...please not Christmas! We would really like to have another girl and boy, so any healthy baby would be a blessing. We have not decided on a name yet, except that the middle name of a boy would be "Dean." Abby has decided that she, Mat, and myself all have babies in our tummies, she is so precious. The morning sickness and total exhaustion have let up quite a bit, and I am looking forward to setting up the nursery again. I have placed the ultrasound photos someplace safe, which I have yet to find.
We moved sometime in late May/ early June, that time of my life is a bit of a blur. We are finally getting settled into our house, and still have quite a bit of work to do on it, but it will have to wait until we get the new heat pump paid off. My dear friend Melissa was visiting during the moving process and was a huge help in cleaning the old place, moving, cleaning the new, and watching Abby. When we moved into our house, it smelled a great deal like a wet dog, most of which is gone, but I fear it will not fully leave until we throw out the carpet. Shortly after we moved it began to get very hot outside and it took two weeks to have our heat pump installed. Needless to say, Melissa was an angel, and babysat Abby for Mat and I in our smelly, hot house, while Mat whisked me away to the beach to celebrate our 6th anniversary.
After seeing photos every week of the dogs up for adoption at our local coffee shop, we decided to go "look" at the dogs. We wanted Abby to grow up with a dog that she could play with and not think it normal for a toothless pom pom to growl at her on a regular basis. For some reason we thought getting another dog would also take some of the Abby pressure off of squirt. We ended up with a yellow lab/boxer mix named Brooklyn who came with the offer of her shepherd mix pen mate for free. We decided just to go with Brooklyn and a few days later adopted Dodger as well (see if you can figure that one out). Dodger was a little rough around the edges and needed more training, but is wonderful with Abby, the cats, and squirt. Brooklyn was incredibly easy to train and is wonderful with Abby. The cats and Squirt don't like her, as she thinks they're toys.
We are headed to Oregon for Mat to officiate one of his high school friend's wedding and to see both sets of grandparents. We'll be with Mat's family and extended family for two weeks and my parents will be visiting for 5 days. While away, Abby and I will both have the honor of attending our first family reunion. Abby will also go camping for the first time, see her first fireworks show, and celebrate her second birthday. Mat will also celebrate his 28th birthday, I know, just as exciting. Abby is now calling Joy's parents: Mimi and Bapa, and Mat's parents: Banana (formerly Nana) and Grandpa. Don't worry Nana, Abby is very fond of Bananas.
There is not a doubt in my mind that our little Abigail has entered her wonderful and sometimes terrible twos. Abigail has sometimes begun throwing herself onto the ground in "tragic heaps", as Aunt Jolynn likes to say, when something goes wrong in her little mind. She says around 97 words and often uses two word sentences. She loves her babies, purses, stomping around the house in her dress shoes, and she adores "The Little Mermaid" and "moomies" (movies). From what I can gather, Abigail would prefer to be a dog, as she has attempted to eat grass, chew on a chew toy, drink the dog's inside and outside water, eat dog food and treats, scratch herself with her back foot, and lick her "paw".
For all who may see her in the future, we are no longer giving Abby candy.
I thank God for our many blessings daily and would covet your prayers, as we have decided to begin volunteering with the youth at our church upon our return from Oregon.
Love and blessings to all!