This morning Abby and I were in her room and Garfield came flouncing in and I said, "Here comes the kitty." Abby then tried to say kitty, but it just came out as "key." So cute! I love the baby babble. She is beginning to try and say a few words. She has "mama" and "dada" down, and is working on "Bumper" (my parents dog) pronounced "Bumpa," "Baby" = "bebe" and hi. We think she calls herself baby, which we often refer to her as, and Abby also sounds like baby. I know, it's confusing, but it's fun :) She also says hi, but I'm not sure she knows what it means.
Recently Abby has also learned to clap and kiss with her mouth open. We ask for a kiss and make a kissy sound and she give us a big, opened mouth, wet one, yummy! Today she also started playing peek-a-boo by herself. She would hold whatever was in her hand over her face and wait or not, for us to say, "where's Abby?" Then the idea is that she'd pull it off and we'd say, "boo." But sometimes she just gets too excited and does the whole process before we get any words out. One last thing she is learning is how to share. Mat said, "we didn't even have to teach her!" She shares her pacifier, sippy cups, gooey cookies, and more (you're jealous, I know). Next time you see her, I'll be sure and save some cookie for you.
Four more teeth are very rudely making themselves at home in Abby gums. They are all on top and only one has poked through so far. I'm checking her mouth every morning, but all I keep seeing are swollen gums with the outline of teeth on them. Hurry it up teeth!
We went to the park yesterday, as we do every Sunday afternoon, and most of the time we were on the grass, Abby was bear crawling around. We saw a Dr. who attends our church and he was watching Abby crawl around and pull herself up on the stroller, and he thought she might be walking in a month. Yay, I'm excited! People keep saying that she'll get into more things, but I really don't see how that's possible, I'll let you know when she starts though. I have been wrong about various other major events in my life before, such as thinking being married or having a child wouldn't be as much work as they actually are.