Saturday, May 2, 2009

Review of Week One

Members of our life group have now been fasting and praying for God to provide Mat with a job for one whole week! Thank you so much :)

Day 1: Mat was able to get an incredible amount of applying done (7 applicaitons), and we found out that our rent will be lowered.

Day 2: Nothing new.

Day 3: Mat received a phone call from the Cal Baptist soccer coach, giving him advice on starting his collegiate soccer coaching career.

Day 4: Mat talked to a lady from William Jessup University about job openings, he called her, but it still counts as something!

Day 5: Joy received an email from on online teaching position she applied for in January. They are going to contact her in 4-6 weeks.

Day 6: Our day of rest, ahhhh.

Day 7: We received a check from a member of our church to help support our family until Mat finds a job.

Thanks for your prayers! God has been and is good to us :)


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