Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Busy Day

Abby and I had a fun and eventful day today. It was a nice switch from the usual, semi-boring routine. We started the day off by meeting two other women, and their children at Mug Shotz, a local coffee shop. Abby played with Peter, who calls her "Applegail" and tried to sit on the toy piano several times.

Next, we headed to the office for about 30 minutes, then went to the preschool age program at the library. The kids learned how to stop, drop, and roll, got to try on firefighting gear, climb around in the firetruck, see the lights, hear the siren, and make their own mini-fireman (Abby's looked more like a mini mess with a head). She was super cute, and kept walking up to all the adults to give hugs during the program.

After picking out a few new library books for Daddy to read to Abby at night, we went back to the office to pick up daddy, who took over Abby duty, while I took over my role as Athletic Business Manager. Abby and daddy had lunch and a nap. Everything else was the usual, until dinner, when Abby and I went to the 1st Baptist Church for dinner. Abby ate a wonderful meal, ran around with more kids, and, her favorite part, played in the curtains. We were even introduced in front of everyone as first time visitors :)


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