Sunday, July 18, 2010

Oregon Adventures

We had an absolutely fabulous time while in Oregon. We were away for two weeks and crammed as much in as we possibly could. We were able to go camping twice, see both sets of Abby's grandparents, among other family and friends, attend a family reunion, celebrate birthdays, hear my brother in law preach, visit a winery, go to coast, and much more!

Our first camping trip, two days after we arrived, was to "the lot" where Mat grew up camping with his family. Five of us stayed in Mat's parent's trailer, and Mat's aunt and uncle met us there and camped in their own trailer. Mat especially enjoyed this trip, even though Abby did get sick with a fever.

~Click on any image to see more photos.~

We returned from our first camping trip on the 4th of July and after showering and doing some much needed laundry, we headed over to a BBQ (not pulled pork) at Grandpa and Grandma Phelps' house. Mat's Aunt took Abby out to see and pet the horses, but Abby was much more interested in the kitty. We were originally planning on watching fireworks somewhere, but once we returned home, we were exhausted and stayed in and listened to the booms instead. Just as fun, right?

Tide Pool at the Aquarium
Mimi and Bapa arrived on Monday, the 5th with bundles of home grown fruit...yum!! I ate as much as I could before we left. We had Mexican food on Tuesday (I miss it so much!). The remainder of the week was filled with a trip to the coast for retirement house hunting, breakfast with Grandma Brown, a visit to the Oregon Coast Aquarium, a joint birthday party for Mat and Abby, and a haircut for my mother and I by Mat's cousin.
Abby loved the Aquarium, especially the tide pool where she could poke all of the sea creatures. Abby had a wonderful second birthday party, where she enjoyed sneaking finger fulls of cake before it was cut and was so excited to open her presents.

On Saturday, Abby and I both attended our first family reunion. We had breakfast with the family and saw some relatives. Abby tried to play with the big girls, but I don't think they understood that she was trying to play with them by giving them leaves and dirt. Mimi and Bapa had to leave for home on Saturday after the reunion. It was a very sad departure full of tears, but we were so blessed to have their company for five days. The only way it could've been better was if Danny and Elody had made it up. Boo hoo.

Crater Lake
Sunday we headed south to hear our brother in law preach, then on to Crater Lake. On our way down, we were able to make a last minute stop to see some dear friends staying in Eugene. It was so nice to spend several days in a row with Mat's sister's family and for Abby to play with her cousins. Crater lake was amazing, most likely the deepest blue body of water that I have ever laid eyes on. We stayed at a lake outside of the park and the mosquitoes were terrible! Mat took Abby swimming in the lake, later to find out that it had blue algae. Whatever that means! Don't worry, they weren't infected.

We returned to Mat's parents on Tuesday, packed, and flew home on Wednesday. We also had the pleasure of seeing one of Mat's high school buddies and his family on our last night.

As much as I LOVE the west coast and our families, it was great to return to our home and pets. Ahh, it's always nice to sleep in my own bed after a time away.


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