Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Growth Chart

7/11/2008 - 1 day - 20 inches - 7lbs 11oz
7/14/2008 - 4 days - 20 inches - 7lbs 2oz
7/16/2008 - 6 days - 20 inches - 7lbs 5oz
7/25/2008 - 2 weeks - 21 inches - 8lbs
8/3/2008 - 3 weeks 3 days - 21 inches - 8lbs 6oz
8/6/2008 - 3 weeks 6 days - 21 inches - 8lbs 11oz
9/10/2008 - 2 Months - 23 1/2 inches - 10lbs 15oz


Firstborn's Milestones:

July 13 First bath at home (4 days)
July 14 Umbilical cord falls off (5 days)
July 16 First outing to church (6 days)
July 24 Rolled from tummy to back (2 weeks)
August 6 Slept 4 hours straight (3 weeks 6 days)
August 7 Smiles at Mommy (4 weeks)
August 10 Noticed herself in mirror (4 weeks 3 days)
August 22 First nap in her swing (6 weeks 1 day)
August 23 Swimming for the first time (6 weeks 2 days)
August 28 Bats at toys (7 weeks)
September 2 Sleeps only in her bassinet at night (7 weeks 5 days)
September 11 First nap in playpen (9 weeks)
September 13 Notices her hand (9 weeks 2 days)
September 15 Tastes the inside of a grape (9 weeks 4 days)
September 16 Takes a bottle from Daddy (9 weeks 5 days)September 17 Sleeps 6 hrs. 45 mins. Straight (9 weeks 6 days)September 18 Sleeps 7 hrs. (10 weeks)

Saturday, April 26, 2008

No Diabetes

Joy does not have gestational diabetes, yay! These days the baby's favorite activities involve jumping on Joy's bladder and kicking squirt when is shivering against her in the middle of the night.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Monday, April 21, 2008

Other Pictures

To view photos, click on the picture or the title under the photo.

East Coast


Our Town

Bird Park

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Pictures of My Firstborn

To view photos, click on the picture or the title under the photo.