Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Grapes, Pickles, and Lizard Tails

Last week we discovered that Abby like to suck on grapes. Mat was holding her while we were eating lunch and she was fussing, so he bit his grape in half and held it to her lips. She sucked on it while he held it (don't worry, he didn't put the whole thing in her mouth). She was very content with that. Today we were eating lunch and she was doing the same thing, only this time Diane was holding her and I was eating a pickle. She suggested letting Abby taste it and she liked it just as much as the grape. Oh Boy! So...Yesterday morning I walked out into the living room, holding Abby, and I saw a lizard tail flopping around the ground, Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Garfield thought it was the best thing ever. Sadly, the lizard didn't live, he was about 5 inches away curled up in a ball.


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