Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Praise the Lord it's finally raining! We've been praying for rain for weeks, especially for the farmers. This is just another way that this small town is different from So. Cal., not a bad different, just different. In So. Cal. EVERYONE has sprinklers or some system of watering, other than relying on the rain. Here, the farmers, homeowners, and the whole town relies on rain. Our yard, the University's lawn, and the crops are all brown. The corn stalks are turning into spikes and the cotton plants are wilting. Hopefully these showers will bring a little life back to the plants.

It's also great to have a break from the heat, not only for us, but also for the wildlife. The birds have been spending their time on Mat's practice field in the sprinkler and Abby and I saw a big bull frog in a pipe, where there was about one cup of water. We didn't realize the frog was there, so Abby was happily dumping fist fulls dirt into the pipe, when the dirt started moving. She came up to me with a very alarmed look on her face, so cute! We got out a water bottle and rinsed the poor little fellow off and Abby learned to say "ribbit." On our drive off the field (yes we park on the field) Daddy showed us an empty turtle shell. So many learning opportunities!

Reminder: Only 2 days left to enter the Sam's Club gift card giveaway!


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