Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Is Piglet a boy or girl?

Before Abby was born, Mat and I decided to decorate her room with the classic Winnie the Pooh theme. Since then, we've been in this argument about the gender of Piglet. One of us thinks Piglet is a girl and one a boy. So, we think that you should take a vote to decide! Leave us a comment and let us know what you think and we'll tally the votes in one week. If you don't have a Blogger account, you can still comment and check "anonymous" at the end. We're not going to tell you which of us thinks s/he's a girl/boy, and Mat, no voting!

Good News! We think the cat is out from under our house, Yay! We haven't heard her all day today, and Mat had the hatch open most of the day yesterday. Hopefully she got out yesterday, and didn't die under there, that would be stiiinky. Poor little kitty mow mow. Since the cat is out from under the house, this means that it's got to be something else keeping Abby up between one and two hours a night, ugh.

The last two nights, Abby has climbed out of her crib and cried, pounded on her door, played her piano, etc. We have tried rocking Abby every night, but she just lays there in our arms, bright eyed and bushy tailed, pinching our noses, waving, sticking her foot our face, and popping out her pacifier to say, "Hi". It's so hard not to laugh, because she's so stinking cute, but it gets a little old in the middle of the night. After a few nights of this, excuse me, I mean two weeks, we decided to let her try and cry a while in her crib since the rocking thing wasn't working too well. During this "crying" time, she decided to be a little monkey and climb, climb, climb. Last night, the second night of this, when we were at our wits end, Mat was about to go in and try his hand at laying her down, but when he poked his head in, she was asleep on the floor with her blankie and sippy cup, awwww.

Luckily, Abby's 18 month appointment was today with her new doctor, who we loved. She suggested that we wake Abby from her nap a little early and maybe move her to a toddler bed, or a twin without the box spring. After cleaning out mountains of ear wax, she discovered that Abigab had some fluid build up which may have been left over from an ear infection. This made sense to us, because she had a super high fever about two weeks ago. The night time waking may have been a result of pain from the ear infection, and turned into a routine. Now all we have to do is break the routine, ha ha ha! Easier said than done.

Have a wonderful night or day and don't forget to let us know about Piglet. If you're still unsure how to do this, click where it says "comments" in blue writing below. This will take you to a page where you can tickety type away inside the "Post a Comment" box. Next, click on the drop down menu and select "anonymous" if you have no blogger account. Last, click "post comment" and it will be posted after we approve.


Anonymous said...

Well, I don't have a picture in front of me at the moment, but if I remember correctly, Piglet wears a pink and white striped sweater/top. So I think Piglet's a girl!

Anonymous said...

That's a good suggestion Abby's doctor had about not using the box spring for now.

Also, who's using the most toothpaste?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


monica said...

i've always thought piglet was a boy....

Anonymous said...

Piglet is a boy! Little known fact: every character in Winnie the Pooh, with the exception of Kanga, is of the male gender.

Anonymous said...

Piglet seems to be "Pretty in PINK". My vote is female!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have to say that Piglet is a boy... he kinda has a little boy voice!

Anonymous said...

BOY. duhh.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

even though the pig is pink, the voice sounds like a boy.

Anonymous said...

Ever since I was little I thought Piglet was a boy. These were Christopher Robin Milne's toys so I think most of them would be male with the exception of Kanga. Also in A.A. Milne original stories Piglet was always referred to as a boy. And as for the pinkish like clothing Disney is the one that put Piglet in these. A.A. Milne's Piglet is in a green jumper. I do feel that Piglet was made to appeal more to girls then to boys though, especially where Disney's marketing is concerned.

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